Jersey cow closeup in field.

There’s a bunch of reasons why we love Jerseys so much.

Their milk is packed with nutrients and the abundance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats don’t just make it a healthier choice for you and your family, they translate into the taste as well — giving the milk a rich and creamy texture that’s naturally sweet.

And these smaller, brown cows use less land and resources, which contributes to a more sustainable operation, leaving a smaller carbon footprint. 

Oh, and did we mention that Jerseys are the friendliest, most personable breed of cow? Their curious and loving disposition certainly plays a part in the delightfully lush quality of the milk they produce…or at least we like to think so!


queen of quality

Jersey Quality Certification

Since 2008, the Queen of Quality™ mark has been placed on products made from 100% pure Jersey milk. It distinguishes Jersey milk from all others and tells you that you are purchasing some of the finest, most healthful milk on the market.

The Jersey breed of dairy cattle naturally produces milk with higher concentrations of protein and calcium than average milk. More protein and calcium not only boosts the nutrition of Jersey products, but it also adds a richer taste, even to skim milk. And, Jerseys are the most efficient breed in converting feed into milk nutrients, producing 17% more protein and 20% more calcium per unit of feed than do average cows.

When you purchase High Lawn Farm products with the Queen of Quality™ mark, you can be sure they come from the finest quality milk naturally, healthfully, and efficiently produced by Jersey cattle.